I'm going to talk
about Brazil and Paraguay later, cause I still haven't turned my
notes from those trips into anything coherent. They were amazing
though, and I am pretty much the king of long bus trips. So, what are
some things I've done recently? Well, when we got back from our 12
days abroad in Brazil and Paraguay it was time for finals. We all
went to Brazil together but then half of our group went to Paraguay
and the other half went to Uruguay, but we had to talk about things
in both countries for our final, so each group did a presentation for
the other group to fill them in on what they'd missed, plus we had a
written final and an oral exam. That same week, we also had to turn
in our research proposal. I changed my mind about 50 times on what I
was going to write about, but I finally have a topic and it's really
fascinating. I'm writing about the economic status of transgender
women in Argentina which is SO much more interesting and complex than
you probably think it is, but I'm not going to go into further detail
right now because I am doing enough of that these days, but in
Our research paper
is supposed to be about 30-50 pages long, and in Spanish, which is
fairly terrifying. Also, it is due a week from today! As such, I've
been extremely busy researching. One of the important things about
this paper is that each of us interviews people to gather primary
data about our topics, and we're very independent during this whole
process. I interviewed someone once last year for a paper at my
university in the US, but it was in English and I was with another
person. Doing these interviews in Spanish, and without anyone else
there to step in if I make no sense or don't understand something is
kind of terrifying, but also sort of liberating. I feel like I'm
doing a real thing! Some of my friends have gone to do their research
other parts of the country or in Paraguay or Uruguay or Brazil, and I
seriously considered doing a project in Paraguay but we have to pay
for our own travel costs during the research period and determined it
would be too expensive.
The beautiful purple flowering trees that are everywhere!
Painted on the wall of the video store up the street
Peace in the middle east, bro
This morning there were 8 beverage-holding containers on the table
Check out the eyebrows on this dude!
This cat lives in the hallway of my building, we are the best of friends
Ferrero Rocher + Raspberry
Brunch with Morgan
In my spare time
I've been hanging out a lot with my friends, both my friends in the
program and the friends I've made here. I went to the gay pride
parade which was a lot of fun (Argentina is the only country in Latin
America with marriage equality!).
My amazing friend Johan (he's studying abroad here from Mexico) and some other fellows
Meg and I
Meg, Kaitlyn and I
Dance bus
I also went to a birthday party, and we had Thanksgiving at my house because my host mom volunteered to let us do the party here.
Thanksgiving in the summer is a whole different
beast, spending a whole day in the kitchen with the oven blasting is
a very different experience when you have 80+ degrees, compared to
the northern parts of the US where I'm typically accustomed to doing
Thanksgiving. Luckily I was at least a little prepared thanks to the
year I did Thanksgiving in St. Croix.
Meg and Kaitlyn plus the intense pumpkin shaped (libre de actual pumpkin) cookies my host mom made
The weekend before
last I finally went to La Boca, a famous neighborhood in Buenos Aires
where all the buildings are painted outrageous colors cause they used
to paint ships there and then they'd paint the houses with the
leftover paint. It's pretty ridiculously touristy now, they do all
kinds of tango shows and try to trick you into tangoing with people.
I didn't go for it, but I got about the best picture ever of my
friend Audrey tangoing with a guy who was working at the restaurant
we stopped for a beer at.
Audrey and that guy BEST PIC EVER
More La Boca
Me making a really attractive face
My pal and I
This sign does not make any sense in either language
Meg told me that I have a head for hats. I think that means that I have a head.
Audrey and I
Meg and Kaitlyn at the entrance to La Boca
My hair, making its grand entrance to La Boca
Proof that I was there! Dressed appropriately for summer in my boots. I brought three pairs of boots to Argentina, no sandals, no sneakers. You´re welcome, South America.